Bad Boys Bail Bonds

Richmond Warrant Check


  • Warrant Issued? Warrant Check Service Not Available in Los Angeles and Santa Ana
  • Date of Birth*
  • * required field

Performed a Richmond warrant check recently? No? Well, then leaving the house can be scary if you suspect there is a warrant out for your arrest. Even scarier, however, is lacking the knowledge of knowing if there is a warrant. Rather than risk your freedom every time you walk out the door, why not use the Richmond warrant check service we offer? Simply input your details and we’ll help you learn if there is an active federal or bench warrant for your arrest. At Bad Boys Bail Bonds, we want to ease the hardships of an arrest and provide an affordable bonding service for individuals throughout the area. If you have a warrant, give us a call at 1-800-BAIL-OUT or 510-663-1000 or stop by the office at 478 7th Street, Oakland, CA 95607 and we’ll meet you at the jail to post bond and get you free from the confinements of the jail cell quickly.

Do You Have Active Warrants in Richmond CA?

There are a few different types of warrants that may be issued for your arrest. No matter what type of warrant you suspect you may have, our free tool allows you to quickly search the database to find out for certain. It is much more comforting to know if there is a warrant than it is to run around with wonder and doubt. Use our free online tool to perform a Richmond bench warrant check or to conduct a federal warrant search. If our Richmond active warrant lookup reveals a warrant, our service will help you avoid spending time behind bars.

Richmond Bench Warrant Check

Perform a bench warrant check if you failed to appear in court at a specified date and time. When you are ordered to appear in court and fail to appear, a warrant for your arrest may be issued, regardless of the original charges. The warrant is usually a Failure to Appear (FTA) bench warrant. Use our free service to learn if there is a bench warrant or other active warrants in Richmond CA for your arrest and let us help you take care of the matter the right way.

Can You Check for Warrants Online in Richmond?

Our Richmond active warrant check is easy-to-use, free, and available to use at any time that you’d like. Simply enter a full name and date of birth to research active warrants in the database. It takes only a couple of minutes to learn if there is a warrant and to prepare for the next steps.

Richmond Active Warrant Lookup

Don’t allow a warrant the chance to cause you pain or embarrassment. Bad Boys Bail Bonds provides our free Richmond warrant check tool to minimize those risks. We encourage you to enter your information if you suspect that you have a warrant. Do not be outside the loop when it pertains such important information that affects your life in such tremendous ways.

Federal Warrant Search in Richmond CA

The federal courts will issue a warrant just like the state will issue a warrant if you fail to appear in federal court on the specified day and time. A federal warrant search in Richmond CA is easy to make right here on this website. When you use our federal warrant search, it will help you discover if there is a federal warrant so you can prepare for the next best steps to take to ease the court process.