Mama Says! Blog — Category: News

Excessive Bail? Shall Not Be Required

Excessive bail shall not be required! We have all heard, “That’s unconstitutional!” or “That’s my constitutional right!” but have you ever wondered if they were right? You might be surprised how often people get it wrong. You might also be surprised how often people get it right. Your best defense against misconception is reading and […]

How to Pick the Right Lawyer

Here at Bad Boys Bail Bonds, we understand that it can be pretty tricky to find a lawyer specializing in the law area you need. The field of law is so vast that lawyers must specialize in a particular practice area. While all lawyers must have a competent understanding of a wide range of legal […]

Should You Hire a Bail Bondsman or Pay Your Own Bail?

Should you pay your bail or hire our professional bondsmen? Contact Bad Boys Bail Bonds to learn more Today! Getting into trouble with the law is never a fun experience. Even if it is all just a misunderstanding, jail can be quite detrimental to your life. Therefore, getting out of jail and back to your […]

Know Your Rights, Why? Jail Sucks

Know your rights. Why? Because jail sucks. A lot. The U.S. Constitution and Mama say: No laws that prohibit favors or oppose anyone’s religious choices shall be made. No agency can arrest a person for saying what they think. In all manners, the media has the right to present news and opinions. Anyone or any […]

Bad Boys Bail Bonds Makes Bail Affordable

In an article from Cal Coast, San Luis Obispo bail bonds companies claim they saw a dip in revenue. Those companies saw a decline in revenue simply because, for most people, affordable bail is out of reach. In other words, people cannot afford to post bail with family, friends, or loved ones. Unfortunately, this […]